Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ahem.... May I have your attention please?

Today as I finished my last final for Human Anatomy at approximately 5:20 p.m. I realized that I have my ASSOCIATES DEGREE! That's right I'm a college graduate... even if is only an associates degree it feels like a mile stone well deserved. And I only have to wait 27 more days for the best 18 months of my life to begin. What a day.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hodge Podge

You'd think with how long its been since I updated that I forgt how to blog. Maybe I did, I guess we'll find out. Yesterday was my last day of class for a very very long time. It will be about two years before I attend another semester of school and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Assuming I pass my finals on Monday, I officially have an associates degree in political science. It doesn't feel as amazing as I thought it would, but it feels good. I'm officially one month a three days away from leaving for the Provo MTC. A lot of my nerves have dissapated and I wish I could just be there. My suitcase is wide open across the room with random nylons, blouses, first aide kit, and umbrellas thrown in it. Its a good constent reminder on what I need to be focusing on. Watched actual TV for the first time in literally months and realized that 95% of television is absolute garbage. The 5% remaining of course including Jazz basketball games and So You Think You Can Dance. Work seems to take up all my time which is good, more money. I managed to clean my room today for the first time in who knows how long. It's amazing what you can get done after two finals. Who knows, I might even start reading a book for fun. I'm such a rebel. In the mean time, I'm just counting days.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Obsession Confession

Confession Obsession #1 I've been an awful blogger but I've moved up in the ranks of blog stalking. You'd think with all the time I spend on useless things like blog stalking I wouldn't have a life, but I swear I do. I'm taking twelve credits, working thirty hours a week, and I still manage to get out with friends and least once a week usually twice. Who do I blog stalk? Well if you're reading this post, I probably blog stalk you on a regular basis. No worries though, my blog stalking never extends to facebook stalking or real stalking, like I said I do have some sort of a life outside the blogging world.

Confession Obsession #2 I'm completely addicted to reality TV. No not anything like the Real World or the Real Housewives of Atlanta, just your run of the mill Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance. I have this theory that I secretly (well now not so secretly) want to be able to dance and I project this fantasy by watching the show. I know what you're thinking... with my reality tv addiction and my blog stalking obsession I can't possibly have a life... but I do,  I just don't sleep.

Confession Obsession #3 I have a sad sad sad addiction to corny, lame, romantic LDS fiction novels. I can't help it. I'm a sucker for them. Sure they're ridicules, impossible, not to mention completely unrealistic, and yet I think I've read at least 7 over the past couple of months and I may or may not have read one of them a few times. I don't know what's wrong with me. Judge freely on this one... I'm expecting it.

I keep thinking, I swear I have a life, but I'm sort of looking a little hopeless. Maybe I don't, that will have to be determined at another point in time.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lessons that I learned while playing Dr. Mario

So the other day I saw my mom doing her hula-hoop while playing Dr. Mario on the N64 (it has to be seen to be believed... but for now you'll just have to take my word for it) and I decided, hey I have nothing to do, why not play. So I pulled up a chair and grabbed another controller and had her switch it to two player. Now if you know my mother, you will know that playing her at Dr. Mario is like ten times more difficult then playing the computer. Why you ask? Because she plays for an hour everyday while she's hula hooping... (can that be a verb?) Now that I've given you a brief background of the situation I'll tell you some things I learned. You might be surprised.

Lesson #1

Similar to Golf, Dr. Mario has handicaps. One person can be on one level and the other person can be on any other level higher or lower than the first. When setting up the game I chose to be on the same level as my mom. She looked at me and said, "Are you sure you want to go that high?" I nodded and so the game began. Now I'm sure we played at least a dozen rounds maybe more, and I only beat my mother once, which really means that I didn't win at all because you have to win three times to get a star. I decided from that time on I would never play on a lower level than my mom. I knew I could beat her, why not rise to the occasion. Sometimes in life we're offered a "handicap" or an easy out. We can do better. Don't make excuses.

Lesson #2

When playing Dr. Mario on level 10 the viruses are stacked up pretty high and it can be a little intimidating when the pills start to drop. But if you can give all your attention to the pill thats falling and not focus on anything else until the pill is firmly on its intended location, you usually do pretty well. Sometimes we're tempted to let the pill fall on its own once its above its desired location and move on to the next pill, but this error will cost you if you don't see it through. In life problems will come from all sorts of places and all different angles, but if you can focus on just one at a time, they won't seem so daunting.

Lesson #3

Sometimes you just find yourself in the most impossible places. The pills are stacked up to the top of the bottle and the viruses are still rampant. You can't remember how things got so backed up and your almost ready to bomb out. When you decide to focus on one area at a time. Before you know it everything has fixed itself. Not because you were able to focus on every virus, but because some were killed as the result of falling pieces from the other viruses you were busy getting rid of. Similar to lesson 3, there are a lot of problems and tasks we're faced with that seem impossible. Its interesting that as you focus on bettering yourself in one area of your life, other areas of your life our inevitably improved without intention.

Who knew Dr. Mario could be such a good metaphor for life? And who knew someone could actually hula hoop and play Nintendo at the same time? Seriously, that might be a whole other post on a metaphor for life.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

When I grew that foot or two

It finally came… I don’t know why I say finally because I received my call ten days after putting in my mission papers, so it’s not like I had to wait a really long time, but it has been a long road. I officially decided a mission was in my future in early December of 2008. I was attending Utah State University at the time and felt rather directionless as far as my life went. I knew that staying at Utah State wasn’t the right thing after spending two years attending school there. So began my journey in exploring other options for future plans and future schools.

In the middle of my third semester at college (Fall 2008) I came across ILP, an international program that places young adults in different parts of the world to teach children English. I received multiple emails about it and talked to a few friends who had been in the program. After doing some extensive research I decided to apply for the program in St. Petersburg, Russia. I was so excited to have some direction and a plan that I called my mother to inform her of my new road map. In a few minutes time I could tell my mother did not like my plan, when I asked her why she explained she just didn’t think it was right. Taking her advice to heart, as I pondered and prayed about my plan, I began to be hesitant as well. So I let go of my dreams with ILP in Russia and looked for a new plan.

Later that semester I was introduced to a study abroad program through a USU study abroad fair. I jumped on it right away. I met with a study abroad representative (Winter 2008) and asked him what locations were easiest to get into, what the cost was, and which international school would best cater to my major. Once again I called my mom later that day to tell her my excitement, this time for applying to the study abroad program for the Netherlands. After spending a half an hour telling her my plan I could hear silence on the other end of the phone. She again told me that she didn’t really feel it was the right thing for me, but that she would support me in my decision. I hung up the phone frustrated with her telling me she “didn’t feel it was right”. However later that night as I knelt in prayer I felt it wasn’t right either and so my search for a plan continued.

I considered staying in Logan, but I almost instantly felt that wasn’t right either. It was then I realized that the possibility of a mission was only a year away. As I pondered that option and prayed about it, I realized a mission was something I really wanted. I’d wanted to serve a mission for a long time, but now was the time where I could make it a reality. I again went to my mother with more apprehension than with any other plan. I was more excited for this plan than any other and I wanted her support. As I told of my mom about my decision to serve a mission I was relieved to hear her words of encouragement.

Finally I had found my map, I just didn’t know quite how to get there. I knew I still had to go to school and I knew I had some debt from living on my own, so I did the only thing I could do to be able to put in my papers by the winter of 09. I moved home, transferred to SLCC and worked at getting an associate’s degree before I left. I planned to spend the summer in Provo with my sister at some part time job, but another dream was laid before me then too. I was able to be an EFY counselor over the summer while living in Provo. And I can honestly say that the training I received then has been invaluable preparation for my mission.

While working as an EFY counselor I came back to my Salt Lake ward to get my mission papers out. The process to actually get them started was almost more difficult than filling them out and getting ready to turn them in. Even still, I moved back to Salt Lake this winter and was able to put my mission papers in last month. I have now received my call to the Washington Tacoma Mission and will report to the Provo MTC on January 13, 2010. I can’t begin to express how excited I am to serve, but even more than that I feel incredible gratitude for the opportunity that I have to serve. There have been countless tender mercies along this year long path that have allowed me to be able, worthy, and ready to serve.

This post will introduce to all my readers (so basically three of you ;) my missionary blog;

My sisters will be blog administrators along with myself and will post my weekly letters home and maybe a picture every once in a while :) I’ll have my mission address on the side of the blog if you want to write me or you can just follow the blog and keep updated on my mission. I’m so excited to serve and hope that I can continue to grow as I prepare to leave.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just call me Clark Kent, cause I have a super power

I have a super power. Did you know? It's a recent discovery. Its been hiding underneath a lot of pride, but I found it. I've seen it a few times over the years, but not long enough for me to realize what a special super power it really is. In fact I'm embarrassed to admit, I didn't recognize it for some time. It's taken a lot of work and its one of those powers where if you don't use it, you lose it. I lose it a lot ;) I bet if you look for a while, you'll find that you have it too! Some might have to look a little bit longer, (I will bashfully admit, that I often can't find it) but I bet its there.

It even has a taste! Weird huh? But you know the taste too! Sometimes it tastes like acid and it can burn. Occasionally it tastes sour and will leave your mouth dry. But more often than not it will taste bitter. I didn't know super powers could taste so bad! This is a special super power though, no matter how bad it tastes, once you can swallow it, there is the most magnificent after taste. It might be sweet, mine usually tastes fresh, like mountain air after it rains. The thought divine comes to mind... like chocolate, but better.

I know what your thinking! You know where this super power hides, you know what it tastes like, maybe even what it smells like, but what can it DO? Well let me tell you, this is no ordinary super power. We know by definition that its something special. It's not like flying or reading minds. No, its much more unique than that. This super power can change the world. I would even venture to say that if everyone had this one super power perfected we might not know the word anger. It has the power to heal broken hearts, mend lost friendships, save marriages, reform human interaction, rescue lost souls, teach humility, inspire loyalty, and instill love. Why it is the very same power that will redeem you and me.

You know that you have it, you know where to find it, you know what it tastes like, and you know what it can do, but have you guessed what "it" is? I'll give you a hint if your still a little slow. It's something you say, but more importantly something you show.

How do you use it then? The next time you cut someone off, I want you to use it. The next time you yell at someone, use it. The next time you belittle someone, use it. Sure it might taste sour and yes probably a little bitter, but as soon as you say those two words and let it show, it will set you free. The more often you use it the more you'll come to know, that it can't be said and not be shown. When you can say it and be truly contrite, you will understand why it is indeed a super power. Then the next time someone cuts you off and you get angry, you'll want you to use it. The next time some one yells at you, you'll have to say it and the next time someone belittles you, you'll be compelled to express it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's official! There IN!

Oh goodness I have so much to say! I'm so excited and happy that I haven't been able to keep a smile off my face for the last two. I'll find myself alone in my car and I'll catch my self grinning. I'll be eating lunch and wont notice the smile that has appeared while throwing down some food. I can be in bed (this is my favorite) waiting for sleep to come when a smile comes with a few escaped giggles! Who knew I giggled!? I can't help it. The best part is its so incredibly natural. I'm not trying to notice it, but it just jumps up on me and I realize how incredibly happy I am.

So why am I so happy? My mission papers officially went in this week. I couldn't stop smiling in my interview with my Stake President. I thought I'd be worried the impressions I might leave or get caught up on his opinions of whether or not I'm ready, but I didn't. I just kept smiling and all I could say was that I'm so excited! I left the interview slightly nervous after the fact. My nerves were made calm later that day when his wife came up to me and said, "He came home so excited. He said, 'She is so ready to go." I don't think any statement in my entire life has brought me more joy that those words. I know I shouldn't need other people to think I'm ready when I know I am, but all the same they are sweet words of comfort that I value.

If I get thinking about it for too long I get a little bit twitchy with anticipation. I'm so incredibly excited. It feels so right! Not even school or work has been able to bring down my spirits. Feel free to write your guesses! I should have a call within three or four weeks and that post will exceed even this post in excitement!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Opening up shop?

So I had the pleasure and joy of having my wisdom teeth (4 to be exact) extracted from my jaw this past week. I was surprised that as the day of my oral surgery grew closer I didn't really get nervous... and I thought I would. I mean your talking to someone who has never had surgery of any type, never been put under, and never had any "serious" injury. The morning came and my mother drove me to the oral surgeon bright and early. I wasn't even nervous waiting in the lobby. Before I knew it they called me back. A nice man in blue scrubs shook my hand and said, "Well are you ready?" I nodded and literally within 60 seconds I was laying down with tubes up my nose and and IV down my arm. These guys don't waste time! Still I couldn't believe how completely calm I was.

Being put under was easily the weirdest experience of my life. I remember the ceiling and then nothing. About 30 minutes later I woke up and could feel and see hands still in my mouth. I might have slightly panicked at this point. The only real fear I had going into the whole thing that I was going to wake up in the middle of the procedure, so when I woke up with two pairs of hands in my mouth, I attempted to yell "I'm awake, I'm awake!" Just too make sure they were aware I was fully conscious. However, it turns out they were just shoving 10 strips of gaws into my mouth, which made it slightly less embarrassing because they of course had no idea what I was yelling at them wide eyed with a mouth full of cotton.

A nurse walked with me to a plush recliner where I sat for ten minutes trying to get a handle on my brain, which at this point seemed a little elusive. My mom came and sat with me, but apparently all I could say was, "That was so weird." The nurse briefly described the medications and what to do for dry socket and helped me up to go to the car, when I immediately fell back down into the chair. She put me in a wheel chair after that. According to my mother I was very ornery, but I claim that she was being patronizing. I mean seriously, you can't tell a drugged person hey don't know what they're talking about! I was drugged for goodness sake! Just nod and smile!

I spent the next two hours sleeping with an alarm set for every 30 minutes to wake me up so I could change out my gaws. And so I could rotate between the plethora of prescription drugs they gave me. I finally got feeling back in my entire face around four 0' clock at which point I ate soup. Basically I was back to normal the next day. I may or may not have eaten Cafe Rio the day after I got my wisdom teeth out. I can't really remember.

Fast forward to three days later (today) and here I am with dry socket in the bottom right hole in my mouth. Luckily, I have enough pain killers for that and more. What a lovely experience it's been.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Yes, I listen to Paul Cardall and play Spider Solitaire on my Friday nights...

But only when my only friend in the Salt Lake valley is out of town and I got my wisdom teeth out the day before. Let's try not to judge me to harshly.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Out with the new and in with the old

I like to change the way my blog looks a lot! I think it just might reflect my life a little bit.

Let's just examine my life for a moment. I spent the first two years out of high school living in 3 different apartments and a house, I've had 4 different jobs, none of which I quit for any reason other than to move, I've lived in three different cities, two of the cities I've lived in 2 separate times, and I've been to two Universities... well one university and one college. Seriously? So either I REALLY love change or I am severely restless person.

I think it may be both equally, for that matter there are probably dozens reasons why I change my blog every other month and why my life is basically crazy. I do love change. I love the new. Is it weird that I absolutely love that nervous feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when your doing something new. It doesn't have to be scary, thrilling, or even fun. I just love that feeling. I don't really love it while I have it, but I crave it when its gone, kind of like eating a Big Mac, if you know what I mean.

The more I think about it the more I realize that I am an extremely unsettled person. In other words I have commitment issues. Who new? I can't commit to a school, to a major, to an apartment contract, to a city, to a job, and don't even get me started on a boy. What's crazy is this is a total epiphany! How did I not realize sooner that maybe it all stems from commitment issues. Which leads to the question, Why? Which is funny, because I realized the other day, not even thinking about any of this commitment, unsettled, background changing business, that I'm a highly suspicious person. I don't really trust very many people and I might even be more than a little paranoid about people lying to me.

And I know all about lies and liars. I used to be a chronic one...(along with being a slight kleptomaniac, but that's a story for another post.) As I was eating grapes at the counter yesterday, it struck me . There are only two reasons why people are suspicious and distusting. Either A. They used to be (or are currently) a liar or a thief and there by they know what it looks like to lie or steal, even if someone is a pro. or B. Someones lied or stolen from them one to many times. And I guess there is the possible C. They hate being GULLIBLE, but I think this is large part because B has happened too much. So which am I? I'm pretty sure I take down the whole alphabet on this one. Go figure I can't trust anyone... and you thought you had commitment issues?

How did my chronic lying, kleptomania, fear of commitment, and my disdain for Big Mac's all get in one post? All because I changed my blog background a few weeks ago. Today I looked at it and realized I had to have the old layout back. I stayed up til 2am trying to make it look just like it had (I feel as though something is still different about it) all summer. Why did I want it back so bad? I really did like the new one. I wasn't bored with it. I liked the title. The colors looked good. For some reason I had to have the old one back. Out of the dozens of blog layouts over the past two years I've never gone back to a previous layout. It's always been out with the old and in with the new, and I've LOVED it.

Now it's out with the new and in with the old and I feel so GOOD about it. Maybe I'm coming to terms with my commitment issues. I might just becoming less adventurous. Or possibly I'm starting to learn to love familiarity. Who knows what it means. But I think it's more significant that even I realize.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

EFY: "Putteth Off"... the lost week

WEEK 4: Putteth Off

As I was looking through my blog archives I realized their were only five EFY entries. I thought there has to be some sort of mistake in the google blogosphere. I most certainly worked 6 weeks of EFY. I searched high and low for my missing post and it was no where to be found. Was it deleted? Was it ever created? Surely I wouldn't skip a week, but how else could this tragedy have happened? I'm a little more than sad and am mourning the lost post (if it really ever existed). So this is me attempting to give it some justice.

Pizza Night with my girls!
Some things I remember learning this week:
  • sometimes its ok to be a girl
  • the power of positive thinking is quite impressive
  • don't be proud, your not doing much
  • don't try to play cupid at efy... (for counselors of course)
  • set goals
  • if your bishop's calling you after 9, he's asking you to speak :)
  • i love my parents
  • praying aloud, for people by name, with a friend can make a world of difference
  • it's ok to cry... really
  • the Lord makes up for what you lack when your doing all you can
  • always follow the promptings of the spirit, eve when they don't make sense... they will
  • having curled hair is the bomb
  • you probably shouldn't use the kitchen, even if the door is unlocked
  • any problem can be fixed with a prayer
  • sometimes four counselors work really well together and things just jive
  • 40 kids is a big group, but you can still have everyones name memorized by fhe
  • the morris center is still disgusting
Co Counselors: Jordon, Summer, Me, and Trent

Just me and my girls.

The butterfly that landed on my arm... I was really excited.

The whole company: "Putteth Off "
This was a week of polars. Let me explain. I felt like this was one of my most challenging weeks. Not really because of my youth, but because I was struggling. I was all over the place despite the fact that I had 3 amazing co counselors, 10 amazing girls, 1 fantastic roommate, 2 calls from my bishop to speak, but 0 big issues. I struggled internally on a few levels with feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. I was so worried that because I was having an off week, despite my best efforts, my girls would spiritually suffer the repercussions. I was wrong. The Lord made up for all that I lacked, but only because he knew that I was giving it my all. As I listened to my girls bare testimony of their savior, I realized I hadn't failed, He succeeded. It was a wonderful lesson to learn.
I find it extremely ironic that this is the week I forget to post... the week where my company name is "Putteth Off". The week where I put off posting for 2 months...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

life in deja vu

deja vu: (noun) french "already seen" - the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has happened in the near past)

Its an odd concept to wrap your mind around. As I've been recently experiencing an intense amount of deja vu in my life, I've talked to various people about it and realized that some people have never experienced the strange phenomena that is deja vu. How does one explain it? Sure that definition supplied by wikipedia is perfect in explaining the logistics of what it is, but some how it doesn't really do the strange sensation justice. I imagine it's like a blind person trying to explain what music looks like to someone who can see.

I mean whats going on in your brain when this crazy deja vu happens anyway? Why does your brain recognize the exact situation and associate it with familiarity. Its like a scratched dvd skipping in your mind. It starts to get a little crazy when you have deja vu about having deja vu in a certain moment.

Deja vu has plagued my life the last couple days and I can't help but wonder why. I think it may have something to do with walking down memory lane a little to often... but even then I don't have the deja vu at moments when I'm looking a pictures or reading old posts, just at the strangest times... but even then I don't have the deja vu at moments when I'm looking a pictures or reading old posts, just at the strangest times...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What now?

My life has been so crazy lately that when I've squeezed in time to blog, there has been so much to blog about that I never get it all down, but now I'm back to the real world where all I do is work 25 hours a week and attend 13 credits of school. EFY has made me realize how much time I have to myself when I'm not being a counselor. Reading for fun has been such a foreign idea that I'm excited to jump back into a fictional world every once in a while.

I'm currently enrolled in a golf course for this fall and I couldn't be more excited. I went to my first class and swung a club for the first time in a year and I drove it about 200 yards! I'm paying the price for my over excitement three days later with calves and thighs that are still sore. I'll definitely be blogging in the future about my accomplishments... or my failures, I'll let you know ; )

My mission papers are completely filled out. I have my dentist appointment this Thursday and my doctors appointment a week from Thursday and then I'm done! I plan on putting them in sometime around the 1st of October or sooner just depending. Which basically means I could have my call with in 6 weeks! I could try and express my excitement, but I just wouldn't be able to fully encompass how I feel.

So you ask, What now Sara? Well it goes a little like this; school, work, graduation, mission, and school. It's kind of like one big three year school sandwich. I feel really good about it. Don't you?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Now this is how you do Disneyland

I love Disneyland! Wait I need to say it one more time, I LOVE DISNEYLAND! This place is magic! I mean I've been like a bazillion times but never like this. I got to go with 74 other EFY counselors and spend 3 days at the happiest place on Earth! Did I mention that I loved it! I got to know some people so much better, not to mention I got to know a bunch of new people. I had te opportunity to jump around a little bit so I wasn't hanging with the same people the entire time. I tried not to ride with the same person twice but failed miserably by day two. Here are some awesome pics from the 5 day adventure :)

Space Mountain :)
Just my roomies having a big spooning session.

Who doesn't love Tower of Terror!

My new friend Liese and me in line for Screamin!

Sterling and I showin are Astro blaster skills.

Some of my favorite things about this trip:
  • I met some of the coolest people ever
  • I loved being with first timers and seeing their faces after/before each ride
  • Flash dance parties in Tomorrowland with 74 EFY counselors is the BOMB
  • Being able to give away a pass along card and the articles of faith
  • Eating at the Mexican Resturant in FrontierLand
  • Riding the train and seeing the dinosaurs
  • TOWER OF TERROR (we road it like 4 times)
  • Watching people fall in love
  • Holding hands
  • Going body surfing at Huntington Beach
  • Eating at In N Out Burger
  • Overheating in Death Valley
  • Sharing everything
  • Denny's ice cream and hashbrowns and 1 am
  • Tinkerbell face cards
  • Driving for the first time in Orange County (we all survived!)
  • Indiana Jones is still one of my favorites
  • Smiling and laughing for 5 days straight with some of the coolest people I've ever met

Friday, August 14, 2009

EFY: "Ponder Still"

My sixth and final week of EFY...

Games Night the whole company

McKell, Some girl I don't know, Belle, and me making the Cingular bars ;)

Check out their skills with roller coaster!

I can't believe how awesome this week was. I know I know, I say that every week, but I couldn't think of a better way to finish off my summer of EFY. These girls were so fun and talkative! Pizza night was a definite success. The boys and the girls really clicked well together and I've never had a company that listened as well as this one. Are you ready for this...? I actually had so much fun at games night this week! They actually listened and didn't talk when I was explaining the rules! It was amazing! Not to mention they actually listened to each other when they did their cheer for games night. My girls actually ate breakfast with me and dinner too. It was a lot of fun. And I did something I've never done before! Music program! I loved it. I even got about 8 of my youth to do it with me. It was a lot of fun and I really felt like it was worth it. Singing hymns is amazing, even if I am partially tone def. What a week...

My last list of lessons learned at efy:

  • No matter what I end up loving my roommate
  • Wheat Thins aren't as magical as I thought they were
  • Games night can be fun!
  • There is a group of 38+ youth that can listen: miracle
  • I get dehydrated when I don't bring a case of water
  • BBQ pizza is definitely the best... but only from Papa Johns
  • Jumping pictures are freaking cool
  • You can get along with anyone if you pray a lot
  • The $9 watch from Wal-Mart was priceless
  • The tent is still pretty rad
  • Its a lot more fun if you don't care what anyone thinks about you
  • COW's can ruin an entire summer of efy if they get out
  • Playing cupid isn't always a good idea
  • I love spirally bound conference issues of the Ensign
  • Country Time Strawberry Lemonade is delicious
  • The shaved ice place across from Helamen Halls is delicious
  • The more you teach, the better you get at it
  • I LoVe EfY!

The co's: Jared, Me, Lauren, and Greg

My girls: Taylor, Danielle, Kenna, Miranda, Allie, Brittany, Me, Taylor, Maddie, and Marissa

SisterS! Elyse and me.

The whole company: Ponder Still
I was really sad starting this week thinking I would be incredibly depressed once my summer of EFY was over, but its weird, because I'm not. I loved EFY as much as one person possibly could, but I'm so excited for what the future holds. I'm excited for this fall and graduation, but most importantly for my mission. Its so close, I feel like a three year old on the edge of their seat in primary singing Jesus wants me for a sunbeam! I know I keep saying I'm excited, but the excitement has intensified so much with each week as I've seen multiple friends get their calls I think, "That's going to be me!"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

100th Blog Post

So you know when your in Kindergarten and you make those cool little crafts with random things on it? When you get that little colored half sheet of paper asking you to bring in 100 of something. Whether its penny's, macaronni noodles, or cotton balls. It's super exciting, or at least you thought your 100 toothpicks were cool, until someone else got to bring in 100 tootsie rolls. What is it about 100? Its not just kids either, adults have a strange obsession with 100 too. There are 100 pennies to a dollar, we even make a big deal out of the first 100 days of a new presidential office. Why is it that 100 is special? I've pondered on this question for the past few days as I've logged on to my dashboard to see that it said "99 posts" under my blog title. As I thought about what I would do for my 100th post I questioned, why is it special? And then it hit me. 100 is a unique milestone. You start at 1 and then it took me two years to hit 100. The next big milestone is 1,000, it will probably take me 10 years or more to hit that milestone. Then the next big milestone is 10,000, and we alll know I'm not every going to get there. 100 is special because it is a milestone that we can reach in a relatively short time. Nobody notices when your at 247 or 385. 1,000 is special too, just not one we see very often because its such a big number. I think 100 is special, maybe I'll do an ode to 100 sometime.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

EFY: "Beareth all Things"

Another week at EFY....
Yay for the shaved Ice place that gave counselors free shaved ice:)
Pretty sure half my kids called me Lafonda, and the other half called me Aunt Shaniqua...
Yay for 3D glasses!

Tim's beautiful EFY chalk artwork.
This week was so awsome that I had to put up twice as many pictures to cover all the awsomeness that it was. It was a swelteringly hot week, as you can see by the fact that Tim tended to roll up his pants everyday, which is totally against the rules, the little rebel. This week was actually a week of some firsts. We had about 900 youth and the session was in a tent... yes a tent, a very big white air conditioned tent. It was in "tents" haha. Despite the fact that if you got caught in the middle of the tent with hundreds of youth between you and the air conditioner it wasn't that bad.
The whole EFY counselor thing has become such second nature to me that I can't even remember what its like to not be at EFY, this was my third straight week and I have my fourth and final straight week next week, bringing my efy experience to a grand total of 6 glorious weeks! Its been a crazy summer. I haven't had much time to do anything really, but all that aside I think I've had the time of my life as a counselor.

See this is how tired we get, we have to sleep in the back of classrooms while classes are going on... poor Bro. Beecher, he is a good teacher.

See this day we found the sunshine faces in the nursery and had to sing to Sarah on her really bad day :)
Here are some of the things I learned and loved this week:
  • Team algae is the bomb
  • I love having dances in the JFSB square
  • Jumping for three songs straight is a bad idea
  • Jesus wants me for a sunbeam :)
  • You need to drink 6 bottles of water a day and get 6 hours of sleep
  • Bubble wands are an instant cool factor
  • Kids love 3D chalk
  • Sometimes its not worth 15 minutes of sleep to have to drag yourself back out of bed.
  • I LOVE the Cannon Center
  • I finally learned all the dances!
  • Still no lock box duty :(
  • Eric D. Stokes + girls batheroom + plunger = priceless
  • I'm always better friends with my roomates than with my co's
  • I love the little fridge in Helamen Halls
  • I know a kid that can balance a vaccuum on his chin
  • I'm still known as the weird girl with the jacket
  • Disneyland is in 3 weeks!!!!
Fantastic Four Co Counselors: Tim, Me, Tyler, Dani

Those studly GQ boys.

Me and my girls going James Bond style ;)

"Beareth All Things"

Monday, July 20, 2009

EFY: "Might Be"

This week was amazing! I always think it can't get better and it does! Each week I learn how to teach better and get to know my youth even more. I'm completely in awe of these kids. They know how to have fun and do it in a way that is in line with the spirit.
Banner/Cheer off/Games Night
Ashley's Birthday CakeMe and the co co's Aimee Jo, and Kip Aimee Jo and her girls
Just the counselors being awesome

Me and my lovely girls

Kip and the boys GQ-ing it

Just some new things I learned this last week...
  • Your life experiences are more interesting then random peoples stories
  • 8 girls cannot even finish 3 pizza's
  • Kids like to be in their element when they teach
  • The green fan rocks my socks
  • I LoVe ASL (I re-learned how to do my abc's)
  • Straightening my hair is a waste of time
  • Yay for Polka Dots
  • Cruiser duty is the best!
  • Set an alarm for head count
  • John Hilton the III is basically awesome
  • Girl drama doesn't have to be drama if you don't give it attention
  • My brain has a limit when it comes to learning new names...
  • Pray, pray, pray
  • Getting to bed on time will make a world of difference
  • I still can't do the PB&J properly
  • Slow dancing is over rated
  • Dance duty is bomb
  • Using different kinds of media for devotional is fantastic
  • I can live off Wheat Thins and Beef Jerky
  • Dasani water is the best water
  • Uncrustables are still gross
  • Wear aviators and Converse and your instantly cool
  • Sticky notes and note cards are a must have
  • Everybody loves colored pens
  • It's a small world after all

This week was basically magic. I wouldn't say it was better than past weeks, but it definitely was a lot of fun. Only three more weeks left, my heart is already breaking a little on the inside. I sometimes wish I could do this all the time... then I remember I would die of lack of sleep, but the desire is still there. I love teaching and realizing the words that flow out of my mouth are often not mine. I love seeing the image of Christ in my girls countenance as the week progresses. I love listening to their insights and learning how far ahead they are of me in spiritual maturity. I love seeing the change of heart they have. I love seeing them excited to read their scriptures. I love listening to their testimonies and having mine strengthened in the process. I do wish I could do this all the time, and then I realized I get to do 18 months of this. The desire I have to go on my mission has intensified 10 fold. The urgency I feel to have my papers in is surmounting. I'm excited more than words or pictures can express :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Manti, Miracles, and Midnight

Notice: This is me being a slacker blogger and attempting to catch up :) A few weeks ago, my wardies and I trekked it down to Manti to watch The Mormon Miracle Pageant. This awesome two hour event takes place on the hill of the Manti Temple in Ephraim County where people from all over come to enjoy music, history, and culture.

The Mormon Miracle Pageant takes place on the hill seen here where locals re-create history. With stories intertwining from Joseph Smith, to Samuel the Lamenite, and a sweet story of Robert and Mary. It was really fun. I haven't seen the pageant in full since I was really little and couldn't remember hardly anything. Despite the fact that I laughed a little at some of the dancing and funny moments with the pre recorded audio it was a great activity.

Some of highlights of the trip:

  • Learning how to play contact
  • "Kick trash yo... did that just happen?"
  • Having the torrential rain stop minutes before we arrived, a true miracle
  • Playing jello in Casey's back seat
  • Rocking out to Weezer for over 100 miles
  • Hanging out with Besties, Wardies, and Roomies :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ode to the lost Chaco

The other day started out as most weekdays do. I arose in the morning slightly late for work. Clearly, I wasn't particularly excited to be working a 10 hour shift, go figure. However I managed to make it to work on time by skipping breakfast. By lunch time I was about ready to die of starvation and thought Noodles and Company sounded delicious... So naturally during my lunch break I went. I parked my car and proceeded to walk in to Noodles and Co but suddenly stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what I had parked in front of, there sitting in the bush of the parking median was a size 12 mens Z/1 Vibram Unaweep Cactus Chaco sitting in a bush.

If you look closely at the bottom of the picture you can see me in my Z/2 Unaweep Black Chaco's :)

I tell you no lie, there it sat. My eyes searched feverishly for it's match in the surrounding area but came up fruitless. My heart broke a little inside for the owner of this poor lost Chaco. These babies retail at a cool $94.95, making this single Chaco worth $47.48! I snapped a quick picture and walked away from the poor lost Chaco, suddenly not as hungry as before. A real Chaco tragedy.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why I'm a Daddy's Girl

My dad is basically the best dad in the world. I know, I know, your thinking, 'Sara your a little biased'. But truly my dad is the greatest, what an amazing example he has been to me for 21 years. The world could use more people like my father. Growing up my dad taught me many things, some of which I hold invaluable. The precious moments I have with him will always be cherished.

What I love to do with my dad

  • play golf
  • go to California
  • be at the beach
  • go on drives
  • watch Jazz games
  • walk along the coast
  • special time ;)

What I love about my dad

  1. He tells me "I'm proud of you." The 2nd sweetest words a daughter can here.
  2. He gives the best hugs.
  3. My dad is definitely a lifter, not a leaner. I've leaned on him many times in my life.
  4. He is generous with all aspects of his life; time, money and talents.
  5. He's an amazing teacher, whether its a church lesson, life lesson, or his example.
  6. He is always willing to compliment me when I succeed.
  7. My dad is a great conversationalist and gives honest and valuable advice.
  8. Dad can find the positive side and laugh when times get rough.
  9. He's never made me feel stupid, embarrassed, or humiliated at my expense.
  10. I never questioned if my dad loved me. He tells me "I love you" everyday. The sweetest words a daughter can here.
What my dad has taught me through love
  • Traveling with family is one of the most valuable uses of your time
  • Mercedes Benz suck and Toyota's never die
  • You should always be progressing in life
  • It's always best to swallow your pride and apologize first, no matter whose fault it
  • Prayer and scripture study are a vital part of everyday
  • Speak kindly and speak softly
  • Love can be unconditional
  • It’s okay to cry
  • The gospel
  • Conserve in everything you use
  • Be patient with those who are not patient with you
  • Always have a Book of Mormon on hand
  • Making goals, striving to achieve them, and attaining them
  • Read as much as you can
  • Attend the temple as much as possible
  • Always say I love you

My dad has been one of the greatest examples in my life and one of my biggest heroes. I hope to be more like him some day. I'm grateful to have him as my father and as my friend. Happy Father's Day. I love you dad.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

EFY: "Judges"

Games night and our lovely banner.
My gorgeous and MODEST girls.
My studly and stunning boys.
Me and the co co's (Jac and Paul).

Not even going to lie, my second week was pretty amazing! EFY is such a spectacular experience. I'm learning more than I ever imagined and I feel like it is awesome preparation for life in general. Not only am I learning from the session director and the teachers, but I'm learning from my peers, my co counselors, and my youth! These kids are so amazing. I never imagined what this experience would entail but its definitely better than anything I expected. Some things I learned this week.
  • do not tell your 14 and 15 year old girls your REAL counselor crush
  • Mormon kids love their slow dances
  • who knew boys actually liked to slow dance
  • 9 girls cannot eat 4 pizza's.... impossible
  • its good to be prepared to teach, but even better to be prepared to testify
  • it really does hurt when boys step on your feet in a slow dance
  • dance duty really isn't fun
  • a flower in your hair makes all the difference
  • uncrustables are gross
  • water is still the elixir of life
  • chaco's are bomb
  • sticky notes are basically magical
  • when your stressed, praying is the best possible solution
  • prayer works
  • sometimes no matter how much hand sanitizer you use, people still get sick
  • a camera is a priceless investment
  • Jonas Brothers is like instant bonding music
  • spandex rocks
  • I love efy more than I ever thought possible

Currently I only have two more sessions of EFY for the rest of the summer and I'm a little more than slightly heart broken. Even though its the most exhausting job I wish I could be there all the time. I hope I get more. Cross your fingers!

The whole company :)