Thursday, May 29, 2008


I had an interesting experience happen to me at work yesterday. I was sitting in my cubicle bored out of mind like any other day when this young pregnant girl walked up to an elder women that was in the cubicle next to mine. The girl hands the women a piece of paper with writing on the top and says to the women, "My mother would really like you to read hers as well." By now, my interest has been peaked and I continue to eavesdrop on their entire conversation. The older women then proceeds to tell the young girl about her mother from this writing sample. I found it a little amusing but I didn't smile or laugh and I just continued to do my work. A few minutes later I hear the women talking to the a young guy next to her, who was probably in high school and was intrigued by the conversation as well. She asked him to write down the simple sentence "Dear Lois, Today I'm happy. Love, (signature)" The boy did so at which point she started telling him about his own character and personality.

I had to look at the boys facial reactions so I peaked around the cubicle and the boy genuinely seemed to be stunned. I went back to my computer almost immediately completely skeptical of the women, but I wasn't quite fast enough, the women saw me and asked me very sweetly if I'd like her to read mine. I smiled and politely said no, and she gave me a sly grin back and said, "Skeptical are you?" I laughed and told her that actually I was a little skeptical and that I found it some what amusing. At this point the nearly 80 year old women insisted that I let her examine my handwriting, and I wasn't about to let her have a heart attack so I obliged a little begrudgingly, writing down the simple sentence in my best cursive possible. I handed her the paper, and she began.

I must admit, I was a little stunned... but I wasn't surprised either. The first thing she said was that I didn't have a Father figure in my life which, I told her wasn't true. My dad and I have gotten along fairly well all my life. I was a bit smug after this but then, she proceeded to describe my character to me, and this is where I was a little stunned. She hit me right on the nose for the most part. She gave me back the paper and I continued working, but still had her words running through my mind like a song on repeat. Did my hand writing really say all that about my character, or did she just get lucky in observing my personality in the brief moments I had talked to her?

I mostly have to decide with the latter. I'm fairly decent at reading people and I think I could have done the same thing to someone else after observing them for several moments. Apparently graphology is actual science though, but so is ufology, so science most certainly doesn't give it actual credit. It just seems a little too fortune tellish to me. I don't think someone can tell you who exactly you are by just looking at a few pieces of your handwriting.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Power of Music

I love music. The loud, the soft, heavy, light, drums, piano, classical, rock, contemporary, country, blues, alternative, punk, even some rap. It has the power to make me physically smile, laugh, be angry, or cry. Some makes you feel like your on top of the world, and some makes you feel like your the only one there listening in a crowd of strangers. Music has often been my best friend and my only solace in a world, that quite frankly often sucks. It takes no up keep, you can leave it and come back and its never going to be offended. You can listen to something 100 times and still love it for the same reasons you loved it the first time you heard it. It has the ability to inspire or to discourage. It can help you sleep, or it can keep you awake. In can make you run harder, drive faster, or dance longer. It gives you confidence that no one else can here. Do you ever notice that people with I-pods and headphones tend to walk a little taller? You can sing along and its never going to tell you that you can't. What would life be without the melodies that seem to echo in the outer ether's of life? I think I'd rather live a life without color than a life without music. It's essential to my existence.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


So I've been working on a novel off and on for the past year or so, and I think I'm finally taking off with it. I've had a lot of writers block lately, but I think, much thanks to this blog, that I've finally come through it. It seems to be flowing more and the story is just flooding out of me like I always knew it would when it was ready. Now I'm not really anticipating on getting published, in fact, I don't even plan on really trying, but I love to write and I thought I'd just share the tag line, which could probably use a lot of revision but here it is. Its just a YA novel, so don't expect anything amazing, but its been fun to write. I also may be posting small (very small) pieces of my story just to keep myself motivated. Any comments or criticisms would be much appreciated. Thanks!

We all want to live in a book, that's why we read them. But Maddison Kennzington didn't want to be in any story, she wanted to be in their story. By a rather strange course of events, Maddie finds herself thrown inside her favorite novel featuring two young adults in one one of the most unique love stories of all time, but now she cant tell where her story begins and where their story ends.


Sleep is an interesting thing. I go to class all day thinking, all I want to do is go to sleep, then I go to work yawning and just wanting to go to bed, and then I come home, and I can't sleep... its ridiculous, but at the same time, I kind of love it. Now, this could be really wierd, but one of my favorite parts of the day is to lie awake in bed right before I fall asleep and just think... Not about anyone, or anything in specific, just letting my thoughts run away with themselves and seeing where they take me. I love to imagine and analyze my day and my dreams. Its fun to think of the future and interesting to recall the past. Its like everything can be in the for front of your brain at that time, because there is nothing to concentrate on and no pressure to memorize or listen to something or someone. Everything is there for your recall and you can pull it up like you would a file in a cabinet, tucked away for later use. The only problem is, your brain can't be shut down like a computer, it runs and runs until finally it stops and lets you sleep. Right now my brain just seems to be doing a marathon...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Social Fear

I am currently taking two classes at USU right now. Just two lame generals, PSY 1010 and a Planet Earth class, easy enough right? Typically I go to class, sit some where in the back, and don't open my mouth at all. I don't consider my self to be a genius by any means, but I'm not stupid either, I'm shoved somewhere in the middle, which I am A. O.K with. So, I decided that I learn better when I'm an active participant in lecture, imagine that, so I started to speak up and for the most part its alright, but the other day in psychology I said something that was contradictory to what the teacher was saying... and the entire class turned back, looked at me while I'm trying to explain this whole nature vs. nurture and how it leaves to many extraneous variables, and as soon as they all looked back I got totally frazzeled and mixed up my words, then of course I blushed , my heart started racing and just stopped talking because at this point I had completely lost my train of thought. I felt really stupid and was really irritated. I'm not a shy person, and typically I'm not embarressed very easily. I usually don't have a problem speaking in front of people but everyonce in a while this happens to me and I hate it. I can't figure out why it happens, but I need to fix it.

Friday, May 16, 2008


What is it about endings that make them so sad? Now, I realize that this could be construed as a rather silly question, endings are sad, simply because it is the end. But I want to look a little more deeply into exactly what it is that leaves you feeling so empty at the end of a movie, or a book, or possibly even certain stages of our lives. We hear the cliche, yet somewhat true sayings all the time such as, "Every ending is a new beginning,", or "When one door closes, another one opens." I think the idea of these statements is just to console or maybe open someones perspective, but I don't think they take away the sadness of it. Yes, a new beginning is exciting and exhilarating, but it doesn't take away the loneliness of missing the past. As humans, we're creatures of habit, we like things to stay the same, we're comfortable keeping things how they are. Endings are closely tied to ones capability and desire to change or not to change. I will have to confess, that endings to me are very sad. But thinking for a moment, what if we didn't have endings? What if life was in one constant, continuous stage that never changed, therefore giving you no beginnings and no endings? Wouldn't that be an even greater loss and sadness? I think most agree that it would. So with endings, they are often bitter-sweet in a way that few things are, but they are essential for us to enjoy some of the greatest experiences.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Long Time, Big Move

So I moved to Logan and its crazy. My life is insane, and I'm loving it. I go to bed at insane hours, I get up early for class and I still love it! I've missed this life style so much. I moved into a pretty sweet apartment and I signed a lease for a year, so I'm pretty much here until this time next year. It should be good though. Classes are crazy, I'm working 30 hours a week and taking 6 credit hours in four weeks. Roomates are pretty sweet. Its looking like its going to be a good year if I don't die off in the first four weeks.