Thursday, May 29, 2008


I had an interesting experience happen to me at work yesterday. I was sitting in my cubicle bored out of mind like any other day when this young pregnant girl walked up to an elder women that was in the cubicle next to mine. The girl hands the women a piece of paper with writing on the top and says to the women, "My mother would really like you to read hers as well." By now, my interest has been peaked and I continue to eavesdrop on their entire conversation. The older women then proceeds to tell the young girl about her mother from this writing sample. I found it a little amusing but I didn't smile or laugh and I just continued to do my work. A few minutes later I hear the women talking to the a young guy next to her, who was probably in high school and was intrigued by the conversation as well. She asked him to write down the simple sentence "Dear Lois, Today I'm happy. Love, (signature)" The boy did so at which point she started telling him about his own character and personality.

I had to look at the boys facial reactions so I peaked around the cubicle and the boy genuinely seemed to be stunned. I went back to my computer almost immediately completely skeptical of the women, but I wasn't quite fast enough, the women saw me and asked me very sweetly if I'd like her to read mine. I smiled and politely said no, and she gave me a sly grin back and said, "Skeptical are you?" I laughed and told her that actually I was a little skeptical and that I found it some what amusing. At this point the nearly 80 year old women insisted that I let her examine my handwriting, and I wasn't about to let her have a heart attack so I obliged a little begrudgingly, writing down the simple sentence in my best cursive possible. I handed her the paper, and she began.

I must admit, I was a little stunned... but I wasn't surprised either. The first thing she said was that I didn't have a Father figure in my life which, I told her wasn't true. My dad and I have gotten along fairly well all my life. I was a bit smug after this but then, she proceeded to describe my character to me, and this is where I was a little stunned. She hit me right on the nose for the most part. She gave me back the paper and I continued working, but still had her words running through my mind like a song on repeat. Did my hand writing really say all that about my character, or did she just get lucky in observing my personality in the brief moments I had talked to her?

I mostly have to decide with the latter. I'm fairly decent at reading people and I think I could have done the same thing to someone else after observing them for several moments. Apparently graphology is actual science though, but so is ufology, so science most certainly doesn't give it actual credit. It just seems a little too fortune tellish to me. I don't think someone can tell you who exactly you are by just looking at a few pieces of your handwriting.


MB Dabney said...

Thanks for writing me, Sara. It's also been a while since I have read your blog.
But keep working on your novel. It will come one day.
I will probably finish my current novel this weekend, and start actively seeking an agent sometime in July.
And I have already decided on my next novel, which I will start probably in the fall.

hwexpert said...

Graphology can certainly tell you about yourself through your writing. For example you say you were told you didn't have a father figure much in your life. You say you and your father have a good relationship but think about it who had hte most influence on your upbringing him or your mother? He was there just not as much as you wished he would be. Also if a signature is different that the body of writing the person is not a what you see is what you get person. The signature is how they want to be seen and the writing of the body how they really are. come visit me at sometime.

Michelle Glauser said...

Wow, I want to have that lady analyze my handwriting too.