Tuesday, September 1, 2009

life in deja vu

deja vu: (noun) french "already seen" - the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has happened in the near past)

Its an odd concept to wrap your mind around. As I've been recently experiencing an intense amount of deja vu in my life, I've talked to various people about it and realized that some people have never experienced the strange phenomena that is deja vu. How does one explain it? Sure that definition supplied by wikipedia is perfect in explaining the logistics of what it is, but some how it doesn't really do the strange sensation justice. I imagine it's like a blind person trying to explain what music looks like to someone who can see.

I mean whats going on in your brain when this crazy deja vu happens anyway? Why does your brain recognize the exact situation and associate it with familiarity. Its like a scratched dvd skipping in your mind. It starts to get a little crazy when you have deja vu about having deja vu in a certain moment.

Deja vu has plagued my life the last couple days and I can't help but wonder why. I think it may have something to do with walking down memory lane a little to often... but even then I don't have the deja vu at moments when I'm looking a pictures or reading old posts, just at the strangest times... but even then I don't have the deja vu at moments when I'm looking a pictures or reading old posts, just at the strangest times...

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