Thursday, May 14, 2009

D.I. Tresures

So Elyse, Alyse, and I decided to go check out the local Provo Deseret Industries to see if we could find anything awesome, and naturally we did. Alyse needed to find some magazines for a class but the effort turned up fruitless since the DI clearly does not keep any of the even somewhat scandalous ones. I was hoping to find some artwork that was somewhat classy and very, very cheap to decorate our front room with, however that effort was a bust as well. The artwork was either really cheap and looked not even slightly classy, or looked somewhat classy and had a pricetag that should not be allowed in a DI. But before I get you too down I did find this little tresure...

This is a really fun game called Battle of the Sexes. You have to have a group of guys and girls to play in teams in which members of the opposite sex try to stump eachother on questions that only their gender should know. It's a ton of fun and you feel pretty cool when you can answer the questions... Like what is Rambo's first name? I found the game brandnew and basically unopened for the low low price of $2. Now that is a DI gem :)

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