Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shooting Stars and Magic

At first look my third floor balcony has very little appeal. It looks over the back ally of a bookstore. Next to the book store there is an auto body shop that often makes awful noises at early hours in the morning. Across the street from the auto body shop is a Sinclair gas station. Electric wires are strewn every which way from our roof to the auto body shop, making it look like a blind bird’s worst nightmare.

But first looks can be deceiving.

I wouldn’t trade my balcony for anybody’s in the complex. I think it’s a special balcony, dare I say even magical. My balcony is jetted out more than any other apartment in the building giving it quite a bit of seclusion. If you can look over the Sinclair station and past all the other buildings, there is a great view of the mountains and sunset. At night the moon rests just above as a personal nightlight for the balcony.

My favorite part…

At night before the ally street lights come on my neighbor’s horizontal antenna catches the lights of passing cars giving off the effect of a shooting star in the corner of your eye. In fact, it’s so believable as a shooting star that every time a car drives by I look to the shiny black antenna thinking it must be a real shooting star. And every time I’m shocked to see the piece of black metal in the air instead of a dark blue sky with burning stars.

It's definitely magic. Make a wish.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Home, Rain and The Weatherman

Today my apartment really felt like home. I love when that feeling comes after a big move. Everything is foreign and you don't know where anything is. New faces, new town, new home. It definitely takes some time to fall in to the rhythm of things. I woke up late this morning to a clean apartment. I opened my fridge, grabbed a Almond Poppy seed muffin from and ate it on my bed while listening to the sparse traffic outside my closed shades. That's when it happened. The feeling of home sunk deep in as I looked across over to my sisters bed I realized that this is where I'm supposed to be. It felt right. It's certainly had its challenges so far, its only been a month and I already feel like so much has changed. But the change is good, the change is fantastic. I don't find myself missing much of anything right now. Life is quite extraordinary.

It's been overcast all day. I've been counting the days til summer for the first time in my life. This winter froze me out. For eight years winter was the highlight of the year and I was barely able to survive it this year, but now that warm summer days are here I find myself missing the cold, cloudy days that gave unnecessary shade to fresh blankets of snow. All day the air has smelled ever so slightly of rain and it's made me want rain more than anything. To be able to dance in the middle of the street, soaking up as much as the clouds will give. I miss those days. That seems to be one of the few exceptions to me not missing anything.

As I sat down at my computer this evening my sister played an old school all time favorite by the girl group B*Witched. The song entitled 'Blame It On the Weatherman' begins with the sound of thunder and pouring rain, followed by an extremely cheesy, pop sounding, young teen. Now this song earns zero points for being deep or having anything that has lasting importance, however the second verse I can relate to.

Maybe it's too late
Maybe it's too late to try again
Maybe I can pray
Maybe I can wait
Maybe I can blame it on the weatherman

And the rain goes on and on again

I've often wanted to say that is the story of my life. The feeling of despair when you know it's too late, for whatever it may be. Too late to change, too late too stay, too late to go. Thoughts of prayer come, but often your just left waiting, wanting to blame someone. Blame your friends, your enemies, yourself, or even the weatherman. That being said I think B*Witched was sadly misled in this belief, along with many other adolescents. The rain may go on but it's never too late, you can always pray, sometimes waiting is necessary, and you can never blame "the weatherman".

Thursday, May 14, 2009

D.I. Tresures

So Elyse, Alyse, and I decided to go check out the local Provo Deseret Industries to see if we could find anything awesome, and naturally we did. Alyse needed to find some magazines for a class but the effort turned up fruitless since the DI clearly does not keep any of the even somewhat scandalous ones. I was hoping to find some artwork that was somewhat classy and very, very cheap to decorate our front room with, however that effort was a bust as well. The artwork was either really cheap and looked not even slightly classy, or looked somewhat classy and had a pricetag that should not be allowed in a DI. But before I get you too down I did find this little tresure...

This is a really fun game called Battle of the Sexes. You have to have a group of guys and girls to play in teams in which members of the opposite sex try to stump eachother on questions that only their gender should know. It's a ton of fun and you feel pretty cool when you can answer the questions... Like what is Rambo's first name? I found the game brandnew and basically unopened for the low low price of $2. Now that is a DI gem :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom's Day

I love my mom. She is crazy and quirky and down right awesome. I mean sure when I was twelve I wouldn't walk down the same side of the street with her, but I was young and stupid : )

She's great to put up with me. Here are some of the things and make my mom the best:

  • She's loving
  • She's more charitable than anyone I know
  • She can't sing and I still love to listen to her sing 'You are my sunshine'
  • She makes amazing enchiladas and spaghetti
  • She loves to read
  • She knows the scriptures better than anyone I know
  • She's compassionate
  • She loves babies
  • She has a sense of humor
  • She's generous and giving of everything
  • She's an amazing teacher
  • She's understanding
  • She takes care of me when I'm sick.
  • She's a great example to me

I know I give her a hard time and that I was a stubborn brat to raise but I'm grateful for everything she has done and all that she still continues to do for me. I love you mom!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Provo... so far

I've officially lived in Provo for about two weeks now and let me tell you its thrown me some curve balls. Its so wierd. This place is like being in a bubble of over friendliness. I mean its kind of awesome, its just not what I expected. Here are some of the biggest changes...

-People say hi everywhere
-Everyone still drives like they're in Drivers Ed, myself included
-There are a lot of boys here, but like four times as many girls
-There are cleaning checks at my apartment twice a month
-You can't wear a tankini at the pool
-Pedestrians are dumb and stupid in the 84606
-I know BYU campus, and I don't even go there
-There are countless random rules

A lot of this list sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not... its just different. I'm enjoying learning life lessons that Provo is teaching me. And lets be honest I feel like this place is one continuous party its pretty awesome. Here are some of the crazy things I've seen and done so far...

Moved into a new room.

Went on a fantastically long walk where I took this gem of a picture.

Jumped into the 'closed' pool at midnight.

Made delicious HUGE sandwiches for a picnic that we're eaten not on a picnic ;)

Found our why there are so many boys in Provo.

Can find a license plate from every state just in my complex parking lot.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Negative Space

I was messing around with my camara and discovered the negatives option and had a little too much fun taking pictures. I would take pictures of the same old every day boring stuff and it would facinate me. Things like a clock and a fan looked completely different just by simply changing light for dark and dark for light. I love looking at artwork that uses negative space. Stuff like drawings on black paper with white pencil. I think it would be fun if you could put on negative glasses, just to see daily life in reverse... sort of. Even blogging in negative space is crazy!