I didn't make any resolutions. I've made resolutions every year, only to fall short and fail in sometime around March. I figure I know what I want to do and what I want to change this year, I'm just not going to write it down or tell anyone about it, maybe then I can achieve it, because what I've been doing for the past years is clearly not working.
There is nothing better than having a friend that not only meets your expectations but exceeds them, sadly the opposite is true for the disappointments. I've had this friend, shall we call him 'James' who I've known for a short time, but he's quite exceeded my expectations. He's been genuine, kind, caring, and he put a smile on my face when few people could, to be quite honest, I was completely smitten by him. I had been completely honest with 'James' in everything, but there was something I hadn't told him, just because it hadn't come up, not because I was ashamed of it. But I knew the topic would come up eventually and I would willingly tell him. Sure enough, it came up, and I told him that I was LDS. I was a little worried at first, but I expected him to at least accept it. I was shocked when by the end of our conversation the last words he said to me were "I don't really know what to say or where that leaves us." Taken back I said confused, but quite adamantly, "It leaves us as friends!" Sadly he hasn't spoken to me since, and I can't help but feel hurt. I wasn't asking him to believe my religion, or even respect it for that matter, I just expected him to accept me as I had him. I never want to end a friendship with someone on the mere basis that we believe something different. Isn't that counter-productive for everyone?
I found your blog through Will's, which I found through my friend Judd's blog, lol I guess I kind of wandered--anyway, I realize this post is last year, but I read this story and greatly appreciated your lack of aggression towards your friend 'James'. I was saddened by his reaction, so it goes. You're a good writer.
Haha, I know Will, as well as Judd and have often wandered through blogs as well, what I'm curious about is how you got to my last year's blogs lol... thats quite a bit of wandering :)
Yeah I can't remember how I found this particular (2007) post either... I was probably tired and delirious at the time, lol.
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