Sunday, December 30, 2007

The only thing left is the execution...

I spent most of my day reading brochures and such on study abroad information. Drifting in and out of the thought of actually going to England. For as long as I can remember, traveling has been one of my greatest desires, if not THE greatest desire. I fall asleep at night dreaming of all the places I haven't seen. I can not describe in words the nagging feeling I have in me telling me its time. Its as if I've waited my whole life thus far to travel, and now I'm old enough that I can and the thought of it simply makes me euphoric. All my life I've told people that I'm going to travel, and not just here and there, I'm talking about spending months in Spain, France, Italy, and Rome, with nothing but a backpack and a camera. I don't want to be that person that wishes they had seen more when they had the chance. Now is my chance, and I'm really quite determined to not let anything stop me. I think I was made to travel. I wish I could explain in words how much I want it. I think its somewhat like losing someone you love, or maybe loving someone your whole life that you've never been able to meet. I've been bolted down to one place, til now, and I feel as if I'm already pulling up roots and getting ready to leave. I'm not someone who can stand complacent, I've had 19 years to stand still. I'm practically screaming to leave. The only thing left to do is execute my plans. Just the thought of it makes me feel like I could fly.

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