Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just a plain old good day

I like to think that today is the day that I'm coming out of my rut. I woke up at 8:30 and realized there was no way I was going to make it to work on time. Without really thinking about it, only being half awake, I turned off my alarm and rolled over hoping to get back into that elusive dream that I can no longer remember. I woke up for the second time to the vibrating of my phone. A co-worker texted me at 11:00 asking where I was. Regretfully, I got out of bed already forgetting the good dream.

 I arrived at work at noon, exactly two hours late for work. I felt really guilty, but at the same time I don't think I've been late at all since I started working there again, so I tried to get over my guilt. Work flew by quicker than I would have imagined while enjoyed the lovely writing abilities of the talented Jane Austin between phone calls. 

By the time three o' clock rolled around I was out of the building and in a ray of sunshine. I drove home with my window down, having the sixty degree weather blow through my hair. I don't know why today felt so magical, but it did. A combination of sunshine, good weather, and an extra two hours of sleep made all the difference in the world. Cheers to many more good days.


Elyse Marie said...

hooray for good days! it makes me happy to hear about them. :-D

Michelle Glauser said...

Yay yay yay for your magical day!