Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My life ran away with it self...

My life just got incredibly busy. I came back from an amazing vacation and all of a sudden my life just ran away with it self. My sister is currently in Jerusalem taking classes through BYU and she recently posted her hourly schedule of a typical day. Now granted my typical day does not involve cool stuff like going to the old city of Jerusalem or being woken up by the call to prayer, but none the less I will bore you with my boring and yet busy daily life.

6:30am Wake up to the noise of my little sisters annoying alarm clock and then proceeding to put a pillow over my ears.

6:45am Wake up to my annoying alarm clock, which I typically snooze until seven.

7:00am Officially wake up, now late, I rush to get ready in a short twenty five minutes.

7:25am Leave my house and head to classes at SLCC.

8:00am Attend a computer systems class with a professor that does not speak English.

9:00am Attend History 1700 with a very quirky professor and some very very dumb people.

10:00am Attend International Politics, the only class that shows some potential of decency.

11:00am Attend a Personal Ethics course with a professor with such a thick Russian accent that he might as well just be speaking Russian.

12:00pm Spend a sweet 40 minutes eating lunch and catching up on reading for my next class.

1:00pm Attend English 2010 with some interesting characters.

2:20pm Drive back home.

2:45pm Spend a precious forty five minutes shoving down food and packing a lunch for work.

3:30pm Drive to work

4:00pm Spend a monotonous five hours working on telephones taking surveys.

9:00pm Drive home.

9:20pm Arrive home completely tired and crash into bed after a ten hour day.

I suppose I did this back in high school, but now it seems so much longer. I'm not sure how long I will survive.


Elyse Marie said...

I love it! We are leading the same life on two different continents. Miss you!!!

Anonymous said...

I love you. and i miss you. that is all