Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm a flip-flop wearin', free carin', California lovin' girl

So after seeing all the amazing pictures of my sister in Jerusalem and seeing all her friends amazing pictures, I thought I better represent with some photos :) These are just some pictures of the last 3 months of my life, and looking back, they've kind of rocked. So as jealous as I am of all those people that are off on some big adventure, I'm happy to be on my own little adventure. It may not be exciting and it will not involve great stories or big romances, but none less it is my adventure and anyone is welcome to come along for the ride anytime.

My dad and me coming back from Sanfran :)
Living my dream!
Pretending to live my dream :)
Dad and me at Capitola by the Sea
Dad and me walking the coast line on a very rainy day.
Me and Lysee Boo looking hot and dressin up for Halloween. I was a fairy and Alyse was a raggle taggle gypsie..
A rainy day at Ghiradelli Square with Alyse and Kel
Fishermans warf, Alyse had to have those fish and chips.
Just above Capitola by the sea.
Me and my Bestie :)
I always knew that one day I would have the whole world in my hands.
Me becoming perfect ;) lol
The prettiest sunset I've ever seen PCH 101 in Pacifica, California.

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