Monday, September 29, 2008


"Meg, when I'm with you, I-I don't feel so alone." - Hercules... (a little cheesy :) but it fit)

So today I realized that all I want is to feel connected. When life just sucks and everything around you seems to just flatten that's all you want. You want to know that somebody is on your left and someone else is on your right. Because no matter what what happens; death, success, failure, school, bad days and good your still connected. Sometimes we lose old connections and often we make new and only a precious few will hold in the end. But no matter what is lost or gained its important to look at each one with gratitude and awe. Because its times in my life like now, where I have such frail strings with so few people that I understand the importance of them. I'm reminded of the "fates" in Hercules, that use scissors to cut the string that is Hercules' life. I don't know why that's relevant or what it really has to do with anything, but I want the connections I have to be made out of whatever his string was.


Elyse Marie said...

Awesome. Who knew string could be so insightful? And just so you know, our string is made out of the indestructible element that scientists are still grasping to uncover. :-)

Michelle Glauser said...

You know, every time I start getting depressed, I have to force myself to go do things with people. Because people are what make us happy, though we may try to hole up in our apartments and do our own thing, we'll learn quickly that that's not going to work.