Saturday, February 2, 2008

Success, not so much.

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Confession #1: I'm not a very good listener. I've tried desperately in the past and I'm just awful at it. I used to love to talk and today I realized that I hate to talk! I listened to Amanda and Kel talk about there "5 year plan" and realized that I do not want to be like that. I've raved about how I'm going to do this and that, but am I really? Talk is cheap and I'm a little bitter about it. There are things I want to do in my life, but I want to stop saying it and just do it. I've been thinking of what’s stopping me and I can think of dozens of obstacles. My job for one, my family, school, my fear, and the simple fact that I am still waiting around for something to happen. I feel so incredibly stuck and not just in the actual physical sense, but the mentality of it too. I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. I'm angry at myself for just sitting here and taking the easy route in everything I do.

Confession #2: I have no self discipline and because of that I'm limited in what I can do. It sounds a little oxy-moronic, but its not. I don't know if its normal or this way for everyone, but I always take the easy way out. I'm floating my way through a mediocre life. You hear the saying you get out what you put in, actually it’s a law of physics. I haven't been doing anything in my life the last 2 years 100%, or even close. I give a half crap effort that gets me by and keeps me happy. I'm not proud of it, but how does one just simply start living completely different?

Confession #3: I'm proud, afraid, and to be honest, selfish. I have a hard time letting go. I can forgive people, but I think I do it with a kind of arrogance that even disgusts me a little. I would like to say I'm not judgmental, but I feel as if I'm always comparing people. Whether its me and my sister or two strangers I hardly know, I do it subconsciously and its awful. I'm afraid to let people see me as how I really am. Its like I’m embarrassed to be me, which is probably a good thing considering i’m a bit odd and over the top. Clearly I have a whole slew of faults and for self esteem purposes, I probably shouldn't pick them all apart at once, but I wish I could just fix me. I'm sure I sound stupid and naive, but I wish I just had an quick fix button in life. I want to do something and be somebody that I'm happy with, unfortunately there are no quick fixes in life and I feel like I can't stick with anything long enough to actually fix it anyway.

1 comment:

MB Dabney said...

Dear Sara, I happened to run across your blog a minute ago and read today's post. I am a middle-aged man and I'm sorry to say it but there is no "quick fix" in life. It will be what you make it. I have known that for years but, as a writer who is aspiring to be an author, it is still hard for me to accept. But it is true. You really do have to search your soul for who you are and what you want and then kick your own self into gear to achieve it.
I have both a fear of failure and a fear of success, and that holds me back. But knowing it is liberating. And that keeps to striving for the success I know can come.
I hope I have helped you.
If you want to see my rather plain blog sometimes on being an aspiring novelist, it is

All the best.