Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday... Not so Super

Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good: Tis but one step more two think one vote will do no harm."

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson is pretty much my hero, I quote him all the time sorry if it gets a little dull, but the man said some powerful, eloquent, persuasive words in his time.

I'm upset for multiple reasons, so I'm going to rage just a little bit. First of all, voter turnout sucks! In my opinion the primary is a bigger deal then the actual election in November. I was upset to find out that many of my peers not only didn't vote but aren't even registered! I claim if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about anything that is done in the American government.

Second of all, I don't like the results so far! In fact you could say I hate the results. I'm not a big fan of Romney, but I would take Romney before McCain, McCain just makes my skin crawl, and if he wins the election in November I will seriously contemplate moving out of the country. As of right now McCain has 487 delegates compared to Romney's 176, which worries me immensely. Another upset was that Hilary came out ahead of Obama, but with Clinton’s 576 and Obama's 470, I'm thinking Obama will pull through,... I hope! My worse case scenario would be having Clinton as the Dem and McCain as the Rep, I would lose all hope in my country. Obama would certainly be my first choice, followed by Romney. Clearly things aren't playing out as I had hoped, but there are still more than half the delegates to be decided so I'll hold on to my shreds of hope. Best case scenario would be Romney and Obama, but that dream becomes more and more unrealistic day by day. Lets just hope that people get out to those polls and vote! That’s what is important.


MB Dabney said...

Sara, thanks for commenting at my blog yesterday. I appreciate it.
In one of my early posts __ which really wasn't that long ago. I only started blogging in December __ I mentioned that writing a book is really the easy part. It's nothing compared with getting an agent and getting published. And that is the reason I started blogging in the first place, to share my struggles.
Thanks for everything and keep writing your blog. And I will keep reading it.


MB Dabney said...

And one more comment . . .
Voter turnout in this country is truly a disgrace. People in other parts of the world stand in long lines in bad weather and fearing that they might be killed just to exercise one of our most basic rights. It is sad.
And I find your choice of perferred candidates surprising. Mitt vs. Barack. Now that would be interesting.
I have a daughter who will turn 18 on Valentine's Day and one of the first things she intends to do (besides legally buying some cigarettes, which sickens me) is register to vote. Now that makes me proud.
So keep your head up and vote whenever you have the chance. I have never regretted casting a ballot, even if my candidate lost.