“Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops.”
--Cary Grant
--Cary Grant
I don't think anyone can say that their family is "normal." My family is pretty much the furthest thing from normal. We all have our crazy quarks and idiosyncracies. I can't count how many times I've been embarrassed by my mother or how many times I've wanted to strangle my little sisters. Crazy enough, despite all of our issues, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Family isn't something that changes, if your lucky enough to keep them. Family is something very unique and quite rare. They know everything about you and they've seen you grow up all your life. I know some try and get away as soon as they can, and I definitely thought that would be me at one point in my life, but I don't think it wise to run from the people that love you the most, no matter how strange they are. I'm not one that typically gushes about family, but I think its important to realize that no matter what happens, there is always family, even if they are a bunch of weirdos. So here is my family.
Bonnie is my oldest sister, and I believe she is 32 if memory serves me right. She is married to my brother in law Mason and they have 2 kids, Ally and Brad. I adore Bonnie and Mason, you don't see many marriges these days that look healthy and capable of actually making it, but Bonnie and Mason are one of the few couples that make me believe that marrige is possible. With out them, I would have little faith in marrige at all.
Mark is my oldest brother and he turned 30 last year. He is married to the lovely Caitlin, and I pretty much like her in the family more than I like him. They have a little girl on the way thats due in June. Despite Mark's many... many quarks he's been a great example to me and I'm very proud of the person he has become.
Jared is my second oldest brother and is 28 in April. He is practically married to Jolene, who I adore. Jared is one of the most amazing people I've ever known in my life. He is rarely argumentative and will do anything in his power to make one happy. If most guys could be half the person he is, girls would be eternally happy.
Elyse is my second oldest siser and turns 22 this year. Still single, thank goodness, she is working on her Bachelors in English and should graduate next spring. Elyse and I were only two years apart in school, and grew up as friends. Although we hated eachother for a great deal of our childhood and teenage years, we were always best friends, even if we didn't show it. She is one of the most honest people I know and she has grown so much over the years.
Then there is Alyse who is two months younger than me. Although she is not technically blood related, she as much a part of my family as the rest. I've known her since 6th grade and until now, haven't gone more than a couple weeks with out seeing her in the last 7 years. We've been together through thick and thin and I can't imagine what I would have done with out her. I admire every qualty she has and aspire to be at least a quarter of what she is.
Then there is Moriya, who turns 13 this year. She is the funniest girl. We never hung out much, because of the 7 year gap, until I moved back home for a couple of months. I don't know when it happened, but I blinked and she grew up. She is an amazing listener and I relate to her so much, but not because I'm a good listener ;-), because I'm not. She is the sweetest girl, and she has got looks that can kill. She's 13 and she gets hit on by some of my college buddies(they didn't know she was 13, she doesn't really look it.)
Last to round it out, is Lia. She turns 9 in May and is the most loving little girl I know. She is a little crazy and could probably kick the energizer bunnies trash in a race. She is very excentric and fun loving. Although she can be a little overbearing to some, her heart is always in the right place and I admire her in many ways.
My mom, Laurie turned 50 this January and is now offically on the back 9. I didn't fight with her much, but we didn't really talk a ton either. She is an amazing worker and is very creative and compassionate. I think my mother would do anything to help someone in need and has done more to serve others in one year than most people do in a life time.
My dad, Mark is 56 this April. He's been one of my greatest heros. He's really kind of crazy and a little odd, but extremely outgoing and loving. I think I'm most like him out of anybody in my family... the good and the bad. Growing up my dad would say "I love you" all the time and its something I now see as invaluable as a child. He's never been perfect, but through the years he seems to get closer and closer.
And there you have it. We are a rather large and crazy bunch of people, who probably don't see eachother often enough, but they probably are the very few ties that I will have forever.
Bonnie is my oldest sister, and I believe she is 32 if memory serves me right. She is married to my brother in law Mason and they have 2 kids, Ally and Brad. I adore Bonnie and Mason, you don't see many marriges these days that look healthy and capable of actually making it, but Bonnie and Mason are one of the few couples that make me believe that marrige is possible. With out them, I would have little faith in marrige at all.
Mark is my oldest brother and he turned 30 last year. He is married to the lovely Caitlin, and I pretty much like her in the family more than I like him. They have a little girl on the way thats due in June. Despite Mark's many... many quarks he's been a great example to me and I'm very proud of the person he has become.
Jared is my second oldest brother and is 28 in April. He is practically married to Jolene, who I adore. Jared is one of the most amazing people I've ever known in my life. He is rarely argumentative and will do anything in his power to make one happy. If most guys could be half the person he is, girls would be eternally happy.
Elyse is my second oldest siser and turns 22 this year. Still single, thank goodness, she is working on her Bachelors in English and should graduate next spring. Elyse and I were only two years apart in school, and grew up as friends. Although we hated eachother for a great deal of our childhood and teenage years, we were always best friends, even if we didn't show it. She is one of the most honest people I know and she has grown so much over the years.
Then there is Alyse who is two months younger than me. Although she is not technically blood related, she as much a part of my family as the rest. I've known her since 6th grade and until now, haven't gone more than a couple weeks with out seeing her in the last 7 years. We've been together through thick and thin and I can't imagine what I would have done with out her. I admire every qualty she has and aspire to be at least a quarter of what she is.
Then there is Moriya, who turns 13 this year. She is the funniest girl. We never hung out much, because of the 7 year gap, until I moved back home for a couple of months. I don't know when it happened, but I blinked and she grew up. She is an amazing listener and I relate to her so much, but not because I'm a good listener ;-), because I'm not. She is the sweetest girl, and she has got looks that can kill. She's 13 and she gets hit on by some of my college buddies(they didn't know she was 13, she doesn't really look it.)
Last to round it out, is Lia. She turns 9 in May and is the most loving little girl I know. She is a little crazy and could probably kick the energizer bunnies trash in a race. She is very excentric and fun loving. Although she can be a little overbearing to some, her heart is always in the right place and I admire her in many ways.
My mom, Laurie turned 50 this January and is now offically on the back 9. I didn't fight with her much, but we didn't really talk a ton either. She is an amazing worker and is very creative and compassionate. I think my mother would do anything to help someone in need and has done more to serve others in one year than most people do in a life time.
My dad, Mark is 56 this April. He's been one of my greatest heros. He's really kind of crazy and a little odd, but extremely outgoing and loving. I think I'm most like him out of anybody in my family... the good and the bad. Growing up my dad would say "I love you" all the time and its something I now see as invaluable as a child. He's never been perfect, but through the years he seems to get closer and closer.
And there you have it. We are a rather large and crazy bunch of people, who probably don't see eachother often enough, but they probably are the very few ties that I will have forever.