Thursday, January 31, 2008

What I regret...

"There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say,'Yes, I've got dreams, of course I've got dreams.' Then theyput the box away and bring it out once in awhile to look in it,and yep, they're still there. These are great dreams, but theynever even get out of the box. It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line, to hold them up and say,'How good or how bad am I?' That's where courage comes in."

-- Erma Bombeck

Growing up I always heard people, friends, family, even strangers, talk about all their regrets in life. Some were small, others seemed huge, but all the same, regrets stick with you forever. I looked at women who were in their 80's and saw the regret behind their eyes and I promised myself that would never be me. By no means am I old, but I already feel like I've missed out or messed up so much. I have an extremely dificult time letting go of my past. There are already so many "Wish I would have's". I love to dream. Infact I'm probably one of the biggest dreamers you'll ever meet. If you ever sit down with me and talk you'd know I have high aspirations. I want to travel so badly! I want to go on an LDS mission. I want a masters in Journalism and a Bachelors in Political Science. I want to study abroad. I want to write books! I'd love to eventually have a family. I would love to train for six to eight months and see if I could get on a Junior College womens basketball team. I want to get out of debt and actually save some money!I want to be fit and in shape and healthy. I want to finish the Book Of Mormon. I want to read a ridiculous amount of books. I love to learn! I just wish I was better at it, and what have I done with all these dreams.... nothing, and I know if I don't change something fast, I will be the queen of regret.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Not That I'm Complaining, but...

It's been a rather interesting and unfortunate week and it just seemed to get better and better as time went on. Earlier this week as I already stated, I caught the worst cold of all time. I thought I handled it fairly well. I didn't go around complaining or making excuses. I took my vitamin C, my antibiotics and moved on. Unfortunately, I still I have the cold, which now may not actually be a cold, but mono. Things started to look up on Saturday though. I was feeling a little better and I was capable of breathing through my nose, so I went out to dinner and a movie with a friend. After much debate, we decided on I am Legend. Definitely a good choice. A little different, rather strange, but entertaining and extremely thought provoking. A word to the wise, it's a really jumpy movie. After the movie, we went to Panda Express, upon my friend's request. I didn't mind, but very uncharacteristically I got some new Thai chicken that I thought looked good, and it was. We spent the rest of the night messing around and then went ice skating. I got home pretty late and a little banged up from the ice skating, but my cold was no worse and I was exhausted and fell asleep fairly quickly. Sadly, I awoke around four a.m. to my entire face being swollen and a sore throat from hell. Who knew I was allergic to Thai chicken? To make matters even worse, I've been taking Nyquil for my cold, so I can't even take Benedril to make the swelling go down. Luckily my tongue isn't swollen, so I can still breathe. I suppose that is something to be grateful for.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cold of Death

Normally, I'm not one to get sick. I went years without ever having a cold or even a runny nose. I guess this is the worlds way of paying me back. I have never had a cold bad enough where I was desperate for Nyquil, Dayquil and Sudafed, pretty much the entire cold medicine family. You know the labels on the back of the box that tell you not mix the drugs with any Tylenol and right below there is a rather large list of symptoms that the particular drug is supposed to fix, I'm here to tell you I had ALL of the symptoms. To make matters even better, I have one of my bottom wisdom teeth coming in and I feel like I'm teething all over again. But I suppose I can't be to upset with my incredible track record for colds.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Live in the moment

Do you know the strange feeling of going back to something that was once there but now even though its there, its completely different. I think I take for granted living in the moment so often. As I go back through places I've been and times in my life, I expect them to be the same.... and there not. Its like walking into an echo of your past. Its the same on the hollow, but every thing is different when looked at more carefully. You get an inconsolable feeling that brings a new sadness to your present. The only thing that seems to make me feel better is the thought that from then on forward I don't want take for granted the time and moment in which I'm living. Life is continually changing and evolving around us. If we dwell on the past too much or the future to little, we lose sight of what is most important, the present. Its good to remember but not to dwell. Its good to aspire but not to obsess. Each moment in life should be lived knowing that it will never come around again, and therefore should be held to be the most precious in the hands of those who hold it.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I can't help but be irritated

The day hasn't been perfect, but it hasn't been bad. There was nothing blissfully happy about it and yet it was just another day. But this evening I've had an underlying current of anger and irritation and I can't figure out why. I know what your thinking, its not pms. I genuinely want to be angry and I don't understand why. I was reading with my little sister, like I do every night, and I had to generate all the patience in the world not to blow up at her. She didn't do anything at all. We had pleasant conversation and I don't think she really noticed, but even now I find myself irritated and frankly furious for no reason. I'm not mad at anyone, so the anger isn't directed at anyone but yet here I am beside myself with absolute rage. I've never experienced such irritation and genuine anger with no apparent cause. I find it even difficult to write because I clench my fists and lock my jaw so frequently... I'm not generally an angry person, in fact you could say I'm quite the opposite, I don't lose my temper very often, because usually no one can set me off to the point where I'm genuinely angry. I don't understand it.