Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Springtime cold

It was a slow day. The past couple of years I've been getting an awful cold right at the turn of spring. It's been a  cruel punishment for only having a handful of colds in my lifetime. Now I seem to get a full fledged cold at the turn of every season, as if my body feels like it needs to catch up for the first 17 years of my life. I am however learning a few things. From experience and for future reference to myself, these are a few things that do not help a cold:

  • cookies
  • cookie dough
  • ice cream (even though it feels good on your throat)
  • really any form of sugar is just bad
  • crying does not clear out your sinus' but only adds more pressure into an already stuffy head
  • petting your cat that is loosing his winter coat is really just not good either
  • nyquil is no bueno in my book
  • soda pop
  • any sugar beverage is going to do more harm than good
Now here are some things that have made me feel better, some do more good than others and a few are just for the soul:
  • vitamin C - like 3,000 miligrams a day, and then drink an
  • Emergen C right before bed, tastes gross but does wonders
  • calcium (twice a day)
  • ibuprofen helps knock out that headache
  • green tea with truvia - no sugar and green tea is great for you immune system, plus its a hot beverage which helps with the sore throat (decaf) (once a day)
  • ramen, ramen, ramen - breakfast lunch and dinner, I don't know why it makes me feel better, but it's one of the few things I crave when I'm sick
  • airborne - preferably the orange flavor, but any will do (twice a day)
  • staying in the sunlight - instead of staying in bed in my basement I watched movies in my living room by the big windows, a little sunshine does some good. Gotta get that vitamin D
  • a hoodie - now this really is a funny one for me because if you know me at all, I'm always in a hoodie, but when I'm sick I like to wear that old worn out hoodie that I can't wear in public anymore because I've worn it too much
  • a shower - whenever I wake up sick and feel like sitting in bed all day, its always a good idea to get myself in the shower asap. Just being clean makes a world of difference, even if all your gonna do is stay home all day
  • Kyolic aged garlic extract - ok so this is a weird one that can be blamed on my upbringing. It is a great antibiotic and really turns a wicked 7 day cold into a 2 mild day cold, however when you take too much, you need that ibuprofen to counteract that insane headache your going to get (3 times a day)
  • lots and lots and lots of water, drink as much as you can, it keeps you hydrated and does a sore throat wonders
I hope I can kick this cold in a day or two, but I'd love to hear anyone's tips for how to get rid of a cold fast.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A day with Scotty

My sister in law recently ran the Salt Lake Marathon and I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with my niece, Scotlyn. It was a blast, that little girl is such a riot and a doll. I went a little crazy taking pictures, I can't help the fact that I think she's so adorable :)

Dad and Scotty

Moriya and Scotty

This is one of my favorites

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Hari Krishna

So I had the awesome opportunity to go to the festival of colors at the Hari Krishna temple in Spanish Fork Utah with some friends. Not even gonna lie it was a little bit of a let down. I went last year with my sister and some of her friends and couldn't remember having a better time. This year however the festival seemed to grow exponentially in size. After waiting for 2 hours in traffic to get there and walking a little over 2 miles to the temple I was disappointed to find that all the chalk had been sold and that nobody was throwing chalk anymore. I stared sadly at the thousands of rainbow colored people jealous that I had missed out on the fun. My gloom was shared by my friends Neff and Alyse. After wondering aimlessly around for a few minutes hoping that I might find some chalk I finally gave up and just asked some people in front of me who had a little blue and yellow chalk left to throw some on me. They looked at me like I was crazy, but I just wanted some chalk on me... I didn't come all that way to leave looking clean. Happily they through a handful of yellow chalk at my eye and another handful of blue chalk at my ear. After that I was pretty content. We went and moshed a little bit and sang some pretty awesome songs... one of them was just the alphabet, like literally abcdef... and then ended with, "And thats how you spell Hari Krishna" All the poor children under the age of five must have been so confused... I think Neff was even a little confused. We only stayed for 45 minutes and when the time came to walk back to the car I wasn't really looking forward to walking what seemed life forever to get back... So about half way I saw an empty truck at a stop light and ran to it with Alyse and Neff close at my heels and made Alyse ask if we could just jump in the back. They looked at us a little bit strange but let us hop in. That made the trip a lot more plesant. A shout out to the strangers in the old gray Toyota, you are my hero! Looking back all in all, it was a pretty awesome trip. Even though I missed the throwing of the chalk, I made some new memories and ended up smiling from ear to ear all day. I don't think I've laughed that much in a long time. One of the highlights had to be sitting in traffic, listening to Simon and Garfunkel with the windows rolled down singing as loudly as I possibly could. I'm glad Neff and Alyse were there to drown out my voice a little bit... Those poor poor people of Spanish Fork.