Confession Obsession #2 I'm completely addicted to reality TV. No not anything like the Real World or the Real Housewives of Atlanta, just your run of the mill Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance. I have this theory that I secretly (well now not so secretly) want to be able to dance and I project this fantasy by watching the show. I know what you're thinking... with my reality tv addiction and my blog stalking obsession I can't possibly have a life... but I do, I just don't sleep.
Confession Obsession #3 I have a sad sad sad addiction to corny, lame, romantic LDS fiction novels. I can't help it. I'm a sucker for them. Sure they're ridicules, impossible, not to mention completely unrealistic, and yet I think I've read at least 7 over the past couple of months and I may or may not have read one of them a few times. I don't know what's wrong with me. Judge freely on this one... I'm expecting it.
I keep thinking, I swear I have a life, but I'm sort of looking a little hopeless. Maybe I don't, that will have to be determined at another point in time.